Upcoming Events

Wellness design is about creating spaces that support health and wellbeing on all levels. Not just in the physical sense, but in the emotional, energetic and spiritual sense. And not just for our clients, but for their land, the community and the planet.

That’s why we have created a wellness studio, adjacent to our Boulder interior design studio, dedicated to supporting the wellbeing of our team, the community, and the planet. Scroll below for our current schedule of classes, gatherings and wellness design workshops, both online and in person.

We hope you will join us!

3rd Thursday Journey Circle

3rd Thursday Journey Circle

Deepen your journeying practice in community with others in this 90-minute monthly gathering facilitated by trained practitioners. Together we will rattle, drum, and journey to connect with our personal spirit guides for vision, healing and inspiration.

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Intro to Journeying

Intro to Journeying

Through rhythmic rattling and drumming, learn the basics of entering into a non-ordinary state in order to widen your perceptions and cultivate relationships with compassionate helping spirits.  We will meet our personal allies and guides who we can learn to access anytime for vision, healing, insight, support and wise council.  At the end of this three-class series, you will have the foundation for an effective self-practice.

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Rainforest Preservation Gathering

Rainforest Preservation Gathering

Join us for exciting updates on our rainforest preservation efforts, and learn more about the sacred lands and culture of the Sapara tribe in Ecuador. We will share opportunities to start learning about this ancient dream culture, and will do a few journeys and practices together.

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3rd Thursday Journey Circle

3rd Thursday Journey Circle

Deepen your journeying practice in community with others in this 90-minute monthly gathering facilitated by trained practitioners. Together we will rattle, drum, and journey to connect with our personal spirit guides for vision, healing and inspiration.

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First Friday Art Opening

First Friday Art Opening

In the heart of the North Boulder Arts District, our wellness studio is a perfect stop on the monthly First Friday Art Walk. Come enjoy wine and nibbles while viewing our current exhibit of shimmering sacred geometry paintings and drawings by Natasha Mistry, in collaboration with Boulder women’s art collective, The New Local.

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3rd Thursday Journey Circle

3rd Thursday Journey Circle

Celebrate the Summer Solstice in a sacred way and deepen your journeying practice in community with others in this 90-minute monthly gathering facilitated by trained practitioners. Together we will rattle, drum, and journey to connect with our personal spirit guides for vision, healing and inspiration.

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First Friday Art Opening

First Friday Art Opening

In the heart of the North Boulder Arts District, our wellness studio is a perfect stop on the monthly First Friday Art Walk. Come enjoy wine and nibbles while viewing our current exhibit of shimmering sacred geometry paintings and drawings by Natasha Mistry, in collaboration with Boulder women’s art collective, The New Local.

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Activating Your Medicine
to Jun 30

Activating Your Medicine

This three-day workshop with internationally esteemed healer and teacher, Julie Kramer, will delve into the essentials of shamanic journeying. By learning to connect with your medicine council - your team of personal spirit guides - you will discover and empower your unique gifts or “medicine,” so that you may fully share your soul’s purpose with the world.

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Solstice Journey Circle

Solstice Journey Circle

Celebrate the Summer Solstice in a sacred way and deepen your journeying practice in community with others in this 90-minute monthly gathering facilitated by trained practitioners. Together we will rattle, drum, and journey to connect with our personal spirit guides for vision, healing and inspiration.

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Intro to Space Clearing

Intro to Space Clearing

Intro to Space Clearing is an interactive morning workshop designed to teach the basic principles and techniques for clearing and enhancing the energy of a space, whether it's your home, workplace, or any other environment. You will learn the causes, symptoms and methods for clearing the most common forms of imbalanced energy, and will leave with a new understanding of the power of positive energy to create uplifting and rejuvenating environments for yourself and others.

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YIDAM - Yoga / Dance / Meditation

YIDAM - Yoga / Dance / Meditation

In this 90-minute Sunday morning class, learn to merge with your guides and move through an exhilarating flow of stretching, dancing and meditating to an ever-evolving playlist of sacred tones and uplifting dance music. Connect with higher guidance, release old patterns, open to joy and leave uplifted with newfound energy and vision for your future.

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Meditation with Heart

Meditation with Heart

In this seven-week Wednesday evening series, offered in-person and online, Matthew Tenzin will share simple practices for recharging your inner batteries and shifting anywhere, anytime, into a state of peace, purpose and connection. Incorporating Buddhist meditation practices as well as science-based Heart Math breathwork techniques, this class is designed to make daily meditation practice short, sweet and highly beneficial.

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Designing Your Home Within

Designing Your Home Within

Join us on this fun and creative journey of self-discovery through the Home Within wellness design process. You will be guided through the Five Levels of Wellness as applied to your home: Spiritual, Energetic, Emotional, Sensory and Physical. Receive a vision of the potential of your home to uplevel your health and wellbeing, and create a road map for actualizing it.

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Intro to Space Clearing

Intro to Space Clearing

Intro to Space Clearing is an interactive morning workshop designed to teach the basic principles and techniques for clearing and enhancing the energy of a space, whether it's your home, workplace, or any other environment. You will learn the causes, symptoms and methods for clearing the most common forms of imbalanced energy, and will leave with a new understanding of the power of positive energy to create uplifting and rejuvenating environments for yourself and others.

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First Friday Art Opening

First Friday Art Opening

In the heart of the North Boulder Arts District, our wellness studio is a perfect stop on the monthly First Friday Art Walk. Come enjoy wine and nibbles while viewing our current exhibit in collaboration with Boulder women’s art collective, The New Local.

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Vision Within: 2024

Vision Within: 2024

Guided Meditation, Visioning & Intention Setting for the New Year

As one of the first events in our new North Boulder wellness studio, we are excited to offer this morning workshop with Matthew Tenzin, co-founder of Home Within, who will lead you on an inner journey to a clear and empowered path for 2024.

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